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More than your average Tanzania safari ....

At Authentic Tanzania Safaris we know that spotting wildlife in the African bush is just part of your Tanzania safari.  We also offer breaks on the beautiful beaches and islands of the East African coast:

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Authentic Tanzania Safaris: Guest Stories

Lynne Barnes and Michael Speller, UK: Selous, Lake Manze

The advice given before the Tanzania safari with you was very good and we were very glad that we...

Authentic Tanzania Bush Telegraph

Click here to see what Sven and the Authentic Tanzania Safaris Team have been up to on the latest Tanzania Safaris.

Camping Safaris with Authentic Tanzania Safaris

We are very proud of the experience our camping safaris give to our Tanzania Safari Guests

Click here to learn more about private Ruaha Camping Safaris

Click here to learn more about private Selous Camping Safaris


Cultural Considerations

Tanzania Safaris

We ask all our Tanzania Safari guests to be respectful of local customs and culture. It is not appropriate in many areas for women to walk around with exposed shoulders and wear skirts or shorts above the knee – equally men should not walk around in public without a shirt. Muslim populations are greater on the coast but as a general rule this should be observed in all areas of Tanzania. While on your Camping Safari or Walking Safari, it isn’t a problem to wear shorts above the knee or vest tops. It is also acceptable to wear beach clothing when in a beach resort hotel, but if you are visiting the local towns and villages, or walking along the beach we do advise covering up.

Passing and receiving items with your left hand can be seen as an insult in Muslim society so please do bear this in mind in shops and restaurants when exchanging money. The same applies for eating with your left hand only.

It is respectful in any culture to always ask before taking a photograph. If you are asked for money think how you would feel if people kept pointing a camera at you.
When buying souvenirs in markets, haggling is expected. While we don’t recommend you accept the starting price you are offered, while haggling, please try and remember that the average monthly wage in Tanzania is about US$50. As such it is best to give a fair price related to the value the item means to you and compared to what you may pay in your home country.