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janos Lerner - june 2011

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Health and Medical Insurance

Tanzania Safaris

Authentic Tanzania Safaris recommends you consult your doctor before you travel for your Tanzania Safari. They will advise you on what is best to pack into your personal medical kit and what precautions you should take for the various risks. Most drugs are available without prescription in Tanzania, but you may not have time to reach a pharmacy, and therefore you should carry some basic supplies. It is required that you inform Authentic Tanzania in advance if you are allergic to any foods or medicines, or if you have any health conditions which may impact your Tanzania Safari.

The tap water in Tanzania is not safe to drink in large quantities, but it will be fine for teeth brushing and washing/showering. Bottled water is widely available and will be provided on all Authentic Tanzania Safaris.

Proof of a Yellow Fever vaccination is required only if arriving from an infected area, for example Kenya. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Hepatitis A & B, Typhoid and Meningitis vaccinations are all advised depending on the length of your stay in Tanzania. Check with your doctor for the latest travel health advice in your country.

Malaria is present throughout the country and carried by certain biting insects, so prophylactics should be taken without missing any doses. Again, your doctor will be able to advise you on the options available. Prophylactics are available to buy over the counter in Tanzania but it is advisable that you arrange this before you travel. As prophylactics are not 100% effective as a preventative medication, we also advise taking sensible precautions to avoid being bitten; such as using insect repellant on exposed skin, covering up throughout the evening (from dusk) and using a mosquito net treated with permethrin insecticide at night when staying in malarial areas.

Please be aware of the higher incidence of HIV/AIDS throughout Africa and take precautions to safeguard yourself as necessary. If you need medical treatment, we will ensure your care is in the best possible facility, but even in large hospitals it is your responsibility to ensure that you witness all syringes or other medical equipment being opened in front of you from a sterile packet.

We advise you take out medical and travel insurance before your Tanzania Safari begins. Should you wish to add on emergency medical evacuation from remote areas for the duration of your Camping Safari or Walking Safari, please contact us at Authentic Tanzania Safaris and we can help arrange this.

General Safety Tips

Tanzania Safaris

Authentic Tanzania Safaris has a pristine safety record throughout its seven years of operation. Tanzania is one of the most hospitable and friendly countries in Africa with a history of political stability and peaceful co-existence between tribes. As is the case in much of Africa, Tanzania is affected by poverty and as such there is always a slight risk of crime. Basic and sensible precautions should make your Tanzania Safari completely trouble free.

·         Take only photos on your Tanzania Safari and leave no footprint. Do not encourage the trade of endangered wildlife by buying products made using ivory, shells, marine turtle, coral or animal hide. These will be confiscated if found at the airport and a heavy fine will be levied.

·         When on your Tanzania Safari, don’t forget that the animals are wild and are in their natural habitat. You must treat them with respect. Always listen to the instructions of the Authentic Tanzania Safaris guide and when on a Camping Safari or Walking Safari, this is of paramount importance. Never get out of a vehicle without the Authentic Tanzania Safaris guide’s permission.

·         If you feel unwell, declare it to Authentic Tanzania Safaris staff immediately.

·         Wherever you are, whether it be in a city, in the bush or on the beach, do not walk at night even with a friend. Stick to well lit areas and make use of the readily available taxis or bajaj (similar to motorised richshaws or tuktuks).

·         Never exchange money on the street, always use the offices of a Bureau de Change.

·         Regardless of the time of day, do not keep all of your valuables on you. Your hotel will have a safe deposit box or you are welcome to use the Authentic Tanzania Safaris safe. Be aware of where your valuables are at all times and while in a vehicle it is advisable to keep the doors locked and the windows only open a small amount. When in transit, always keep an eye on your luggage.

·         Keep a photocopy of important documentation separate from originals so replacement is easier should anything be lost.

·         What is illegal in your own country is more than likely illegal here – respecting the law is as important in Tanzania as it is in your home country.